Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Oldies, but the Goodies


-some of my favorite drawings from times past-

I absolutely adore looking through my old sketchbooks, laughing at my mistakes and admiring where I got it right. I believe it is a great way to avoid making the same mistakes in new drawings. I have so many drawings and sketches that I wish I could put up here, but there are so many the internet might just explode. So, I picked some of my favorites from certain eras of mine. These are from when I was first doing photo-realism. I found an artist that I adored and would spend hours painstakingly getting every detail she drew onto my paper. Sadly, I can't even remember the artist's name now, but I am thankful for her art, as it gave me a subject to try and draw. As you look as my sketches, let me be the first to apologize for the poor photo quality, my camera is not an expert on paper and pencil. Enjoy!  

This was my first drawing that I borrowed from the artist. Right now it is hanging in my bathroom.
I loved the artist's wispy sense of fantasy, so I strove to excel in that style. 

I had to change the setting to black and white so that this picture would turn out, but I lightly colored this girl's eyes blue. My friend saw it and said "It's so good I can see color in it!" Thanks so much for the compliment, but I wasn't THAT skilled!

I absolutely adore this picture, it had a touch of mystery wrapped in innocence. It took me about 3 times as long to knock this one out than it did for the others, but I somewhat got it to look like the original.
I did the finishing touches on this in history class when I was going to a classical school. Needless to say, my history teacher did not like me very much.


Thank you a million times for looking at my drawings from times past. I assure you that I will post more of my old favorites and new loves. As always, feel free to leave comments, suggestions, questions, pictures of your projects, or anything else you can think of!

Enjoy, and have a wondrous day! -Kelsey

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