Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why Does Black Look So Good?


-an explanation-

This is something that I have thought of for a while, why do people look so good in black, yet white is one of the least flattering colors? I finally realized the answer, and here it is.

Why does black look so good?

Black is a very flattering color. The reason for this is behind the science of the color. Light that we see is a rainbow, and the color of something is actually the color that is being bounced back off of the object instead of being absorbed by it. Something red absorbs all the colors of the rainbow but red, red is bounced back, and our eyes collect this color, and our brain reads the object as red. Black absorbs all the colors of the rainbow, it does not release any of the colors (this is also why black is such a hot color to wear in the sun). Because of this, it doesn't show shadow and light as much as many other colors. When black is worn as a color, it hides our natural contours of our body, and instead shows off the silhouette of the person.

Why is white such an unflattering color?

Though white is a beautiful color, it is a hard color to wear and look good in unless the wearer has a perfect body, or the dress is draped and folded in the right ways. White is all of the colors, it is the opposite of black because it reflects all of the rainbow colors. It is a very light color, so it shows every shadow and light spot, which highlights every bump and hollow on the wearer. This tends to show off a girl's problem areas perfectly, and causes white to not be the most flattering color. This is also true about any shiny or metallic cloth, as it reflects all light and literally highlights any bumps. The best way to wear white without it being unflattering is to find a dress, shirt, or skirt that is draped, folded, or pleated in such a way that it masks the problem areas.

I hope this description helps with any confusion, and have a wondrous day!

As always, feel free to leave comments, suggestions, questions, pictures of your projects, or anything else you can think of!

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