Thursday, April 12, 2012

String for the Birds



Today is a warm, spring day, lightly breezy with just a touch of crispness to the air. This is a day that the robins and the blue jays will be poking their beaks around trying to find material for their nests. So, I thought I would help them out.
What do you need?
Lots of colorful scraps of fabric, string or yarn

 I had this ball of string left over from my Rag Doll hair look, because when I stripped the cloth, lots of little strings were left over.
What do you do?
Simply pull apart your string, or cut your scraps of cloth into reasonable sizes (think about a bird having to carry it).
 Next, go outside and spread them around. I put mine in a tree in my back yard, because I didn't want the strings to jam up the mower if they were in the grass.
 As you can see, it was a bit breezy, but hopefully the motion and colors will catch a bird's eye.
  The last step is to walk away and let the birds come and use your scraps as their new furnishings!

I hope you enjoyed this, and have a wondrous day!

As always, feel free to leave comments, suggestions, questions, pictures of your projects, or anything else you can think of!

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