Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ocean Hair



Lunch is over, or maybe its 3 PM. What does your hair look like? Dull, limp, frizzy, and quite sad. This simple recipe is made with things from around the house, and gives your hair a fresh smell, makes it livelier, moisturizes it, and gives it some shine.

What do you need?

A spray bottle
Your favorite shampoo
Your favorite conditioner

How to do it

So, grab a spray bottle, preferably something that hasn't held any chemicals, or cleaners of any sort.
Next get about a cup, or half a cup of water. Any temperature will do, it will probably be cold by the time your finished anyway.

 Get your favorite shampoo and conditioner, something that smells nice and is a good moisturizer.
The next steps are simple, put the water into the squirt bottle. Squirt a little bit of your shampoo and conditioner into the bottle, close up the bottle, and shake it up. I found the most useful way to mix it is a mix of swirling it and shaking it. That makes it so that your shampoo doesn't turn completely into bubbles, but it get mixed nicely.

Then spritz your hair, scrunching your damp ends. Focus the spray on your roots, because that will lift them up when they dry, this will also allow the water to run through your hair. Do mist a bit of the mixture on your ends and the mid-shaft to lay down the frizzies and moisture your hair. When you scrunch your hair, it'll give it a light tousled look.

Make sure that you don't over spray, because your hair will get either crunchy from dried shampoo, or sticky from gooey conditioner.

To make a purse-sized version, simply fill a tiny spray bottle and put the bottle into a zip-lock bag to prevent leaks.

Now you are fresh, shiny, and happy, I hope you enjoy this tutorial! Have a wondrous day!

As always, feel free to leave comments, suggestions, questions, pictures of your projects, or anything else you can think of!

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